New Orleans, LA (Newsradio 92.3) -- The Mayor of New Orleans says her city was hit with a terrorist attack this morning. At least ten people are dead and more than 30 hurt after a driver went around a police barricade and plowed through a crowd on Bourbon Street.
"He was hell bent on creating the carnage and the damage that he did," said New Orleans Police superintendent Anne Kirkpatrick. She says after crashing the vehicle the suspect shot at police.
"This perpetrator fired on our officers from his vehicle.... two of our officers have been shot." Kirkpatrick said the officers are in stable condition at her update this morning.
Fox is reporting the suspect in this case is dead. There's no word on whether he was shot by police or there were other circumstances.
The FBI has taken over the investigation and says an improvised explosive device was found in the vehicle. More information is expected to be released later this morning.