Pensacola FL (NewsRadio 92-3) In case you've been wondering what's happening to the old Baptist Hospital campus, the first development will likely begin construction later this year. Paces Preservation Partners are building two affordable housing developments, Avery Place Apartments and Kupfrian Manor, at the old Baptist Hospital Campus. The two developments are being built as a partnership with the Paces Foundation and Soho Housing Partners, and will be built on land currently occupied by parking lots along H Street between Moreno and Avery Streets. Both developments will be mixed-income, targeting individuals making 30%, 60%, and 80% of area median income with an average under 60% of area median income. According to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation, the rent limit in 2024 in Escambia County for a one-bedroom unit for an individual making 30% of the area median income was $506 a month, while for an individual 60% of the area median income was $1,012 a month.
