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Sheriff's Office Says Man "Shot in Butt" at Local Waffle House

Pensacola, FL (Newsradio 92.3) -- A Pensacola man was arrested after allegedly shooting another man in the butt at a local Waffle House.

Escambia County Sheriff Chip Simmons tells Newsradio that the victim arrived at the Waffle House on Brent Lane on Sunday and was approached by the suspect, 24-year-old Dequanterrice Luckey, who asked him for a cigarette. The victim then placed his order and was waiting outside when Luckey reportedly asked him for money -- when the victim didn't give him any cash, deputies say Luckey pulled a gun and began shooting. The victim was hit in the butt and ran into the store, causing a bit of a panic. Other diners took cover in a restroom in the back of the store as Luckey reportedly chased another man around and back into the diner.

Sheriff Simmons says it's no surprise that drugs were found at the scene. Deputies later arrested DeQuanterrice Luckey on mutliple charges including attempted murder and aggravated assault. He also faces drug and weapon charges. He remains in the Escambia County jail without bond.



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